NAME snyk-iac - Find security issues in your Infrastructure as Code files SYNOPSIS snyk iac [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] PATH DESCRIPTION Find security issues in your Infrastructure as Code files. For more information see IaC help page COMMANDS test Test for any known issue. OPTIONS --detection-depth=DEPTH (only in test command) Indicate the maximum depth of sub-directories to search. DEPTH must be a number. Default: No Limit Example: --detection-depth=3 Will limit search to provided directory (or current directory if no PATH provided) plus two levels of subdirectories. --severity-threshold=low|medium|high Only report vulnerabilities of provided level or higher. --json Prints results in JSON format. --json-file-output=OUTPUT_FILE_PATH (only in test command) Save test output in JSON format directly to the specified file, regardless of whether or not you use the --json option. This is especially useful if you want to display the human-readable test output via stdout and at the same time save the JSON format output to a file. --sarif Return results in SARIF format. --sarif-file-output=OUTPUT_FILE_PATH (only in test command) Save test output in SARIF format directly to the OUTPUT_FILE_PATH file, regardless of whether or not you use the --sarif option. This is especially useful if you want to display the human-readable test output via stdout and at the same time save the SARIF format output to a file. --experimental (only in test command) Enable an experimental feature to scan configuration files locally on your machine. This feature also gives you the ability to scan terraform plan JSON files. Flags available accross all commands --insecure Ignore unknown certificate authorities. -d Output debug logs. --quiet, -q Silence all output. --version, -v Prints versions. [COMMAND] --help, --help [COMMAND], -h Prints a help text. You may specify a COMMAND to get more de- tails. EXAMPLES For more information see IaC help page Test kubernetes file $ snyk iac test /path/to/Kubernetes.yaml Test terraform file $ snyk iac test /path/to/ Test terraform plan file $ snyk iac test /path/to/tf-plan.json --experimental Test matching files in a directory $ snyk iac test /path/to/directory EXIT CODES Possible exit codes and their meaning: 0: success, no vulns found 1: action_needed, vulns found 2: failure, try to re-run command 3: failure, no supported projects detected ENVIRONMENT You can set these environment variables to change CLI run settings. SNYK_TOKEN Snyk authorization token. Setting this envvar will override the token that may be available in your snyk config settings. How to get your account token How to use Service Accounts SNYK_CFG_KEY Allows you to override any key that's also available as snyk config option. E.g. SNYK_CFG_ORG=myorg will override default org option in con- fig with "myorg". SNYK_REGISTRY_USERNAME Specify a username to use when connecting to a container reg- istry. Note that using the --username flag will override this value. This will be ignored in favour of local Docker binary credentials when Docker is present. SNYK_REGISTRY_PASSWORD Specify a password to use when connecting to a container reg- istry. Note that using the --password flag will override this value. This will be ignored in favour of local Docker binary credentials when Docker is present. Connecting to Snyk API By default Snyk CLI will connect to SNYK_API Sets API host to use for Snyk requests. Useful for on-premise instances and configuring proxies. If set with http protocol CLI will upgrade the requests to https. Unless SNYK_HTTP_PROTO- COL_UPGRADE is set to 0. SNYK_HTTP_PROTOCOL_UPGRADE=0 If set to the value of 0, API requests aimed at http URLs will not be upgraded to https. If not set, the default behavior will be to upgrade these requests from http to https. Useful e.g., for reverse proxies. HTTPS_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY Allows you to specify a proxy to use for https and http calls. The https in the HTTPS_PROXY means that requests using https protocol will use this proxy. The proxy itself doesn't need to use https. NOTICES Snyk API usage policy The use of Snyk's API, whether through the use of the 'snyk' npm pack- age or otherwise, is subject to the terms & conditions